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在此从China Daily上查到了对于罪刑法定原则的几种译法,分别为:the principle of legally prescribed punishment for each specified crime、no penalty without a law、assessing penalty by law,具体见下文。其中第一种译法稍显繁琐,第三种比较直白,而第二种则出自一句拉丁语,Nulla poena sine lege,意思是法无明文规定不处罚,因此,翻译时可以采用第二种为主。


We shall adhere to the basic principle of legally prescribed punishment for each specified crime, that of suitable punishment to each crime, that of applying the Criminal Law to people on an equal footing, that of public trial, and that of statutory procedures, etc., and guarantee that those who are guilty will be punished according to law while those who are innocent will not be investigated for criminal liabilities.


By stringently adhering to judicial principles such as no penalty without a law, innocent until proven guilty, evidentiary adjudication, and open hearings, people’s courts need to engage in resolute efforts to prevent and rectify miscarriages of justice, thereby maintaining public confidence in our efforts to promote the rule of law.


“The Opinions on Pushing Forward the Reform of the Criminal Litigation System Centering on Trials” and its implementing rules have been released to accelerate the reform of the criminal litigation system centering on trials, to strictly carry out the principle of assessing penalty by law, evidence-based adjudication and excluding illegally-obtained evidence, to guarantee legalization and justification of trial procedures, and to ensure that trial in court plays a decisive role in investigating facts, confirming evidence, protecting litigants’ rights, and impartially adjudicating cases.


关于这一原则的译法主要有以下几种:the principle of suitable punishment to each crime; the principle of suiting punishment to crime,差别不太大,翻译时两者皆可。


We shall adhere to the basic principle of legally prescribed punishment for each specified crime, that of suitable punishment to each crime, that of applying the Criminal Law to people on an equal footing, that of public trial, and that of statutory procedures, etc., and guarantee that those who are guilty will be punished according to law while those who are innocent will not be investigated for criminal liabilities.

This is required by the logical relation between the principle of a legally prescribed for a special crime,the principle of suiting punishment to crime,violation of fraud,crime of fraud and crime of financial fraud.






